Apply to the Major

Important changes to the Major Application


Effective June 2024, major application submissions are reviewed 2 times per annum, in a fall and spring cycle. There is NO rolling review.


Students must submit their application form within the following deadlines:


Fall Applications

  • Application window opens first business day of August by 9:00am PST
  • Application Due: First business day of September by 4:00pm PST
  • Decisions will be delivered by October 15

Spring Applications

  • Application window opens first business day of January by 9:00am PST
  • Application Due: First business day of February by 4:00pm PST
  • Decisions will be delivered by March 15

Use the registrar webpage for exact dates. Our office will NOT accept late submissions. Please apply in the next cycle if you fail to submit your application in time.


  • Steps for Apply to the Psychology Major (NEW!)

    Below are the steps that will be required to apply to the major:

    Step 1: Complete your prerequisite coursework and have final grades posted in CalCentral.   

    Step 2: Complete the online form to apply to the psychology major. In your application we require that you include a program plan with a timeline for completing the 8 psych upper division courses and include a 250-word prompt for your goals and objectives in seeking a psych degree.

    Step 3: For admitted double major students, please plan on completing the double major or simultaneous degree packets within two weeks of your admission notice to ensure a smooth declaration process. Instructions on filling out the packet can be found here.

    *Continuing students who complete a prerequisite course at a community college should initiate the credit transfer process as soon as possible given these can take up to 5 months to be reflected.

  • Application Considerations (NEW!)

    The new declaration process will encompass a holistic review of the following categories:

    • Academic achievement and potential, including grades, course load, consistent academic excellence, and high performance in prerequisite courses.
    • Meeting the window of eligibility for students who enter as First-Years and Transfers. In addition, program planning congruent with the student’s expected graduation term (EGT).
    • Demonstrated commitment to academic success and improvement, including persistence toward major and future career goals and aspirations.


    Guidelines on Major Application

    Program Planning

    • Refer to our program planning webpage for sample course scheduling.
    • Prioritize your prerequisite courses during the eligibility window.
    • Include all 8 psychology upper division courses including the five Tier 2 courses and the three Tier 3 electives.

    Major Prompt (250 words):

    “What are your goals and future plans with the psychology major?”

    • Include an overview on your academic achievements and persistence towards the major.
    • Describe your relationship to the field of psychology and your future application in your career, tying in your experiences with your future goals beyond UC Berkeley.
    • Highlight tools that will enable academic success within the major program.


  • Advice to Pre-major students

    Students who intend to declare the Psychology major are encouraged to check in with the Student Services Office periodically.  You are welcome to drop-in for peer advising, schedule an appointment with a major advisor, and get involved in departmental student activities and events, such as:

    • Attending workshops hosted by peer advisors.
    • Joining the Psychology Majors bCourses to receive email notifications about psychology related events and opportunities.  Request access by emailing
    • Enrolling in the Personal Development in Psychology DeCal course regularly offered by advanced Psychology majors. 
    • Taking a freshman or sophomore seminar with a faculty member from the Psychology Department.
    • Following us on social media!

  • General Enrollment Guidance to Pre-major students

    Students who are in progress of finishing the prerequisites or are in the last prerequisite(s) course and plan to declare at the end of the semester, will need further guidance on how to plan for enrollment as an undeclared student.  

    For phase 1, upper division Psychology courses are reserved only for officially declared majors and do not have a wait list. If a student is in the progress of completing Psych 101 (and/ or other prerequisites) and thus undeclared, they won't be able to sign up for upper division major courses. Our enrollment manager will release additional seats, open up enrollment to everyone, and implement a small waitlist in Phase II, on a first-come, first-enrolled basis. This will be undeclared student's chance to enroll in the upper division major courses.

    For Phase I, we recommend that students prioritize upper division electives in other departments. These can be courses you will need for double majors, a minor, the American Cultures or other graduation requirements-- students can check their APR to see what still shows as "not satisfied--or just fun electives.

    Having the right enrollment strategies is important. We recommend that students:

    1. 1. Have multiple schedule planning scenarios ready at your finger tip for your Phase II appointment, so that you can be prepared to sign up for the classes you need/ want as quickly as possible;
    2. 2. Avoid time conflict at all cost, as it prevents enrollment;
    3. 3. Pick the section that has open seats or at least the shortest waitlist (you can't get into the class if you can't get into the section!);
    4. 4. Sign up for the waitlist if one is available (our waitlists are really short and a short waitlist is the way to go).

    Please review our enrollment policy webpage and follow the policies/ recommended practices closely.