• How can I send and receive packages?

    Please address your correspondence to:

    Department of Psychology
    2121 Berkeley Way
    University of California, Berkeley
    Berkeley, CA 94720-1650

    When your package arrives, you will receive an email notifying you that you may pick up the package from the Department Main Office (Room 3000 2121 Berkeley Way) during our business hours which are Monday-Friday 9:00 am - 12:00 pm and 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm.

    Mail will be placed in mail boxes also located inside the Department Main Office.

  • Who should I contact for hiring related issues?

    Marianne Callahan, HR Coordinator, is your contact for hiring and resolving issues for the following appointment types: staff, students, visiting scholars/visiting student researchers and volunteers.

    Room 3301, 2121 Berkeley Way

    Phone: 510 642-7110

    Email: jrray@berkeley.edu

  • Where should I go if I have questions regarding major requirements, enrollment, etc.?

    Please direct your questions to the Department of Psychology, Student Service Office.

    Find the advising hours on the academic advising webpage or send an email to psychsso@berkeley.edu

  • How can I meet with an undergraduate major advisor?

    You can set up an appointment with an undergraduate major advisor using the link from our Undergraduate Advising webpage. You are also welcome to drop-in during our open hours, also explained on our advising webpage.

  • How can I get a course approved for my Psychology major requirement?

    If you would like a course taken outside the department of Psychology to be considered as an upper division Psychology major requirement, please complete a Syllabus Review Form. If you have questions about the process, send us an email at psychsso@berkeley.edu. You may submit this form in advance of taking the course or once you have completed it.

  • How do I reserve a room in BWW?

    All Psychology department room reservations requests must be made with our online form. Please complete the Room reservation form  found on our website http://psychology.berkeley.edu/resources/building-room-reservations.

    For any additional questions about room reservations, please email psychrooms@berkeley.edu.

  • How can I post my research on the RSVP page for research participants recruitment?

    Please email PsychAdmin at psychadmin@berkeley.edu for instructions on how to post on the RSVP site.

    Please be reminded that all experiments posted for RSVP must be related to the Psychology department program or affiliated with faculty or graduate students in our department who are conducting the research. This is a protocol we have set in place to keep the integrity of our research postings. Our apologies, but we wish you good luck in finding subjects for your research!

  • How can I find contact information for faculty?

    Please look at our website  http://psychology.berkeley.edu/people to find a faculty who is appropriate to your needs and you can reach out to them directly.

  • How can I request a parking permit?

    For Psychology Department only

    If faculty would like to request a campus parking permit for lab use, please reach out to Tanya Robles

    For Psychology Department research participants & psychology clinic patients only

    Please email psychadmin@berkeley.edu with the following information at least 1 week prior to date of use:

    1. Name of faculty member or lab requesting the permit
    2. Date and time needed
    3. Who will be parking – research participant, Clinic client, etc
    4. Vehicle license plate number.
  • Where should I go if I have questions regarding the Graduate Program in Psychology?

    "Please direct your questions to the Department of Psychology, Graduate Student Services.  http://psychology.berkeley.edu/students/graduate-program

    Graduate Student Services Office
    3rd Floor (3100), Berkeley Way West Building
    2121 Berkeley Way
    University of California, Berkeley
    Berkeley, CA 94720-1650
    Email: psychgradadvisor@berkeley.edu

  • What is the policy for printing exams if I am a GSI or an instructor?

    Please email PsychAdmin at psychadmin@berkeley.edu for information regarding printing policy for an exam.

  • How can I reserve Psychology Department equipment?

    For Psychology Department use only 

    If you need to borrow and easle, cart, handtruck, vacuum, extension cord, or computer, these items are available for check-out at the Department of Psychology.

    Please email psychadmin@berkeley.edu with your equipment request and we will get back to you about availability.

    You can also reserve these items by coming to the Department of Psychology Main Office, and asking the Front Desk Assistant if there is availability for the equipment you need. If there is availability, please make sure to sign out the equipment on the left clipboard on the left side of the file cabinet in the Main Office.

    We offer one-time and recurring reservations.

    The borrower is responsible for the condition of the equipment when returned, and must return the equipment promptly once the reservation ends.

    You will receive an email shortly after making your reservation, confirming the details of the reservation and reminding you of our borrowing policy.

  • How can I obtain a copy code?

    If you're a Psychology course GSI/Faculty, please request a copy code by emailing psychadmin@berkeley.edu. Please be reminded not to share your copy code with anyone.

    We unfortunately cannot provide a copy code if you're not a GSI/Faculty. 

  • How can we request for color printing services for our lab?

    For Psychology Department faculty only:

    All color printing requests should come from a Psychology Department faculty and can be sent to psychadmin@berkeley.edu with the following information:

    File name:
    Type of paper (gloss, colored paper, regular paper)
    Single / Double-sided:
    Total of original pages:
    Total number of copies:
    Special Requests:
    We ask for 72 hour notice so that we will have enough time to get the request printed and delivered from the printers.

    Note: For small requests (less than 50 pages total), the department may not require a chartstring, but this will be at the department's discretion.