
Official Office Hours: 9AM - 12PM & 1PM - 4PM

staff photo Clinical Science Program Psychology Clinic Administrator. Hermela Araya
Clinical Science Program Psychology Clinic Administrator
2160 Berkeley Way West
P: 510-642-2055
staff photo Undergraduate Student Affairs, Undergraduate Resources. Brenaia Blue
Undergraduate Student Services Advisor
2210 Berkeley Way West
staff photo Oversight of all department operations including financial management, student services, academic personnel, IT, facilities, and human resources. Department staff supervisor. Alex Burr
Department Manager
3314 Berkeley Way West
P: 510-642-7074
staff photo Course and enrollment management, textbooks, room reservations, syllabus archive, course evaluations. Emilie Dandan
Scheduler & Curriculum Planner
3301 Berkeley Way West
P: 510-664-5078
staff photo Clinical science program academic coordinator. Claire Flaggs
Clinical Science Program Administrator and Academic Coordinator
2160 Berkeley Way West
P: 510-642-2056
staff photo Academic personnel, faculty liaison (merits, promotions, leaves, etc.). Jitka Horavova
Academic Personnel Coordinator
3301 Berkeley Way West
P: 510-643-3823
Kait Lopes headshot Undergraduate Student Affairs, Undergraduate Resources. Kait Lopes
Undergraduate Student Services Advisor
2210 Berkeley Way West
staff photo New courses, curriculum matters, funding, complicated student issues, undergrad and graduate program oversight. Harumi Quinones-Austria
Student Services Director
2210 Berkeley Way West
P: 510-642-7097
staff photo Staff employment, student employment, Visiting Scholar / Visiting Student Researcher appointments, volunteer appointments, and summer sessions appointments. Judi Ray
HR Coordinator
3301 Berkeley Way West
P: 510-642-7110
staff photo Purchasing and reimbursements including travel and entertainment, facilities coordinator, room reservations, metal keys, key card access, and CSS Procurement admin liaison Tanya Robles
Operations Manager
3312 Berkeley Way West
P: 510-643-8589
staff photo Graduate Student Affairs, Graduate Student Resources. Kai Santiago
Graduate Student Services Advisor
3301 Berkeley Way West
staff photo Financial and budget managment, accounting policy expert, CSS research admin liaison, fund manager. Yukiko Vandeman
Financial Analyst
3320 Berkeley Way West
P: 510-643-8590
staff photo Undergraduate Student Affairs, Undergraduate Resources. Zoe Xu
Assistant Director of Undergraduate Advising
2210 Berkeley Way West
P: 510-664-4463
staff photo Graduate Student Affairs, Graduate Student Resources. Fonda Yoshimoto-Reed
Graduate Student Affairs Officer
3301 Berkeley Way West