Summer 2025
Psychology Summer Opportunities
For High School Students
Take advantage of Berkeley Summer Sessions by participating in the PreCollege scholars program.
Opportunities for remote, residential, commuter and non-credit options are available!
Psychology Summer Course Recommendations:
PSYCH 1 - General Psychology
PSYCH 3- Introduction to How the Brain Works
PSYCH 4 - Emotional Intelligence
PSYCH 6 - Stress and Coping
For Visitors or International Students
For Intended Majors
Major Requirements can requirements can be found here.
Prerequisite Summer Course Offerings
PSYCH 1 - General Psychology
PSYCH 101 - Research and Data Analysis in Psychology
PSYCH C64 - Exploring the Brain: Introduction to Neuroscience
PSYCH N110 - Introduction to Biological Psychology
Use the academic guide to look for prerequisite coursework outside of the department to make progress in the major requirements. Additionally, feel free to explore some upper division coursework to get an in depth perspective in the field of psych.
For Current Majors
Major Requirements can requirements can be found here.
Tier 2 & 3 Summer Course Offerings can be found in Session A, D & E. Some course highlights include:
PSYCH N140 - Developmental Psychology
PSYCH N160 - Social Psychology
PSYCH N180 - Industrial-Organizational Psychology
Use the academic guide to look for tier 2 & 3 coursework in the department to make progress in the major requirements.
Psychology Summer Courses
Here's the full list of Summer Psychology Courses
Summer Session A 6 weeks, May 27 - July 3
PSYCH 1 - General Psychology
Class #12098 Internet/OnlinePSYCH 130M - Psychopathology Across the Life Span
Class #13877 Barker 101PSYCH 136 - Human Sexuality
Class #12023 Internet/OnlinePSYCH 138 - Global Mental Health
Class #12078 Internet/OnlinePSYCH 139 - Case Studies in Clinical Psychology
Class #12022 Valley Life Sciences 2060PSYCH 150N - Psychology of Personality
Class #12091 Internet/Online -
Summer Session C 8 weeks, June 23 - August 15
PSYCH C64 - Exploring the Brain: Introduction to Neuroscience
Class #:12301 Genetics & Plant Bio 100PSYCH 101 - Research and Data Analysis in Psychology
Class #12401 Internet/Online -
Summer Session D 6 weeks, July 7 - August 15
PSYCH 1 - General Psychology
Class #:12736 Valley Life Sciences 2040PSYCH 3 - Introduction to How the Brain Works
Class #:13072 Genetics & Plant Bio 100PSYCH 4 - Emotional Intelligence
Class #14035 Internet/OnlinePSYCH 6 - Stress and Coping
Class #13907 Mulford 159PSYCH N110 - Introduction to Biological Psychology
Class #14034 Internet/OnlinePSYCH N160 - Social Psychology
Class #12802 Morgan 101PSYCH 172 - DSM: Defining Normal
Class #13103 Internet/OnlinePSYCH N180 - Industrial-Organizational Psychology
Class #12803 Physics Building 2 -
Summer Session E 3 weeks, July 28 - August 15
PSYCH 137 - Mind-Body and Health
Class #13126 Dwinelle 145 -
Summer Session F 3 weeks, July 7 - July 25
PSYCH 170- Clinical and Counseling Professions: Practice & Research
Class #14032 Internet/OnlinePSYCH 173 - Lens on Mental Health: Intersectional Approaches
Class #14033 Internet/Online -
Psychology Clinical Counseling Summer Minor/Certificate
The Clinical & Counseling Psychology minor and certificate allows students to explore the diverse career paths of clinical and counseling psychology. The curriculum focuses on basic psycho-biological and sociocultural mechanisms that underlie common mental health problems across the life span. Check out the minor requirements page for more information!