Summer 2025

Psychology is an exciting major full of endless opportunities for undergraduate students. Students are encouraged to take summer courses to explore new topics within the field. Our department offers a variety of fun courses for prospective students as well as tier I, II, and III major coursework. Feel free to explore the following links to learn more!
At the moment, all summer psych courses will be taught in person with a few remote options. Have questions? Reserve an appointment with an advisor here.

Psychology Summer Opportunities
  • For High School Students

    Take advantage of Berkeley Summer Sessions by participating in the PreCollege scholars program.

    Opportunities for remote, residential, commuter and non-credit options are available!

    Psychology Summer Course Recommendations:

    PSYCH 1 - General Psychology

    PSYCH 3- Introduction to How the Brain Works

    PSYCH 4 - Emotional Intelligence

    PSYCH 6 - Stress and Coping


  • For Visitors or International Students

    Summer visitors are encouraged to look into our Summer certificate option in addition to exploring summer psychology courses.

    Certificate requirements can be found here

    Don't wait to enroll, summer enrollment is now live. Learn more about Berkeley summer certificates here


  • For Intended Majors

    Major Requirements can requirements can be found here.

    Prerequisite Summer Course Offerings

    PSYCH 1 - General Psychology

    PSYCH 101 - Research and Data Analysis in Psychology

    PSYCH C64 - Exploring the Brain: Introduction to Neuroscience

    PSYCH N110 - Introduction to Biological Psychology

    Use the academic guide to look for prerequisite coursework outside of the department to make progress in the major requirements. Additionally, feel free to explore some upper division coursework to get an in depth perspective in the field of psych. 

  • For Current Majors

    Major Requirements can requirements can be found here.

    Tier 2 & 3 Summer Course Offerings can be found in Session A, D & E. Some course highlights include:

    PSYCH N140 - Developmental Psychology

    PSYCH N160 - Social Psychology 

    PSYCH N180 - Industrial-Organizational Psychology

    Use the academic guide to look for tier 2 & 3 coursework in the department to make progress in the major requirements.


Psychology Summer Courses

Here's the full list of Summer Psychology Courses