Keys & Key Card Access

Access to the Berkeley Way Building is only granted to members of the Psychology Department community. 


NOTE:  access requests for procedure space room keys must come from a Psychology Faculty member and need to be sent to


For metal keys to procedure space rooms please provide the following:
Faculty Name:
Room number(s):
Lab person getting the key:


The recipient of the key will pay a $20 cash deposit for each key given out, which will be returned when the key is given back to the Department of Psychology. If the key or keys are not returned to the department, the key fee will not be refunded.


For Card keys access please provide the following:
Last Name:
Middle Name:
First Name:
Employee ID Number (UC Path):
Cal ID Card Number (Numbers on the FRONT of card):
Cal ID Card Number (Numbers on the BACK of the card):
Email (
Psychology Affiliation (faculty, grad, undergrad, RA...):
Lab (Faculty name):
Access requested: Building access (to get to the 2nd floor procedure space) or 3rd floor access:


For furniture key access (i.e., workstation, desk storage, neighborhood lockers, procedure room cabinet keys) please provide the following:


Room number(s) and/or seat number:
Person requesting the key:
Number showing on the furniture key hole: