Endowed Funds
If you would like to donate to one of the specific funds below, you may do so by making a credit card gift or pledge payment via calling Gift Services at 510.643.9789. Or, you may make a donation to your fund by completing and sending in this standard form. In the ”Designate my gift/pledge to“ field, provide as much information as you can about the gift or pledge payment you are trying to make. A University representative will contact you if they cannot determine a proper match.
We have also been the beneficiary of endowed funds from our faculty:

Arnold L. Leiman Graduate Student Support Fund
To provide dissertation support for Psychology graduate student instructors who are outstanding teachers and have demonstrated a high level of academic distinction. This fund was established by Prof. Arnold Leiman’s family in memory of his commitment to excellence in teaching and scholarship.

Mark R. Rosenzweig Graduate Student Support Fund
To support outstanding graduate students with a preference given to students working in the field of biological psychology. This fund was established in memory of Prof. Mark Rosenzweig by his family.

Christina Maslach Graduate Student Support Fund
To support outstanding graduate students working in the field of social psychology.
This fund was established by Prof. Maslach.

Martha and Sheldon Zedeck Graduate Student Support Fund
To support outstanding graduate students with a preference for students conducting research in applied and/or quantitative psychology.
This fund was established by Prof. Zedeck and his wife.