Weekly Opportunities


Summer 2024 Weekly Opportunities Reminder:

The Psych Weekly Opportunities is posted once a month for the summer. We will return to our weekly posting in the fall term.


Update: Important Changes to the Major Application
Effective summer 2024 our major application process will include changes to areas of applicant eligibility and application processing. If you have any questions, please refer to our major requirements and the apply to the major webpages. Please fully review the new policies prior to contacting us. We are currently experiencing a high volume of requests and appreciate your patience as we answer your questions.


Connect with Psych Academic Advising.

We are here to provide guidance, support, information, and referrals.


1. Summer Course Highlight: Enrollment is Open!


PSYCH 137 Mind-Body and Health
This course explores psychosomatics or mind-body interactions in a dozen diseases/disorders from recurrent ailments (e.g., asthma, gastrointestinal disorders) and chronic diseases (e.g., hypertension) to “terminal” diseases (e.g., cancer, AIDS); also included are specific disorders of appetite, sleep, and sexual functioning. For each of these, (i) symptoms (physical and psychological) are outlined, (ii) epidemiological data are used to illustrate socio-cultural underpinnings of health, and (iii) etiology examines how emotion, personality, and other psychological variables interact with the biological. Finally, (iv) psychosocial assessment and (v) cognitive-behavioral-affective treatments are presented for each disease/disorder.


Ephrem Fernandez
Session E: Jul 22 2024 - Aug 09 2024
M, TU, W, TH, F
9:00 am - 11:59 am
Mulford 159


PSYCH 173 Lens on Mental Health: Diversity and Intersectional Approaches:
From its incipience, mainstream psychotherapy is understood to have been developed for a particular kind of person: the Viennese bourgeoisie, YAVIS (young, attractive, verbal, intelligent, successful), WEIRD (western, educated, industrialized, rich, democratic), and recently, the white, middle- and upper-middle classes, and usually, women. This course provides an overview of these criticisms and shifts the gaze, evaluating the evidence for and against such views, and summarizing the best steps forward for the field. As such, it relies on the best available research and evidence-based mental health treatment, and an interdisciplinary approach, drawing from psychology and related disciplines (e.g. neuroscience, sociology, cultural studies).


Nancy H Liu
Summer Session E: Jul 22 2024 - Aug 09 2024
M, TU, W
8:00 am - 12:59 pm


2. Work Opportunity Highlight:


The Precision Neuromodulation Clinic (PNC) at the Palo Alto VA is offering a paid, in-person position as a clinical technician. Responsibilities of this position include delivering transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) treatments under the supervision of senior clinicians to patients with psychiatric conditions, administration of symptom scales, entry of electronic medical records notes, administrative duties, and assisting in implementing quality and process improvement projects. The position requires strong interpersonal skills to work effectively with patients, as well as to coordinate care with a multi-disciplinary clinical team, the ability to multi-task, and strong motivation to help patients with different forms of mental illness. The position is ideal for a recent college graduate who would like to gain hands-on experience working with patients in preparation for attending medical school or other allied health professional school. Students who have majored in psychology and related disciplines are particularly encouraged to apply. The attending physicians at our clinic are dually appointed Stanford University School of Medicine professors. This is a full time, full benefits position. This job will be available beginning Fall 2024 and requires at least a two-year commitment. Additionally, this is a federal position and requires US citizenship.


Please send a cover letter, CV and at least two references from prior work experiences to piayoon@stanford.edu and CC Dr. Jong Yoon, jhyoon1@stanford.edu.


3. New Berkeley Support Portal.

Berkeley Support Portal is a single entry point for all UC Berkeley community members to find support for themselves or others about a variety of concerns.


4. Important Berkeley Way West (BWW) Reminders:

  • It is critical that everyone accessing the building after hours or entering key-carded areas of the building be sure to tag (use key card) to access these spaces for themselves, when at Berkeley Way West. This especially applies after hours and at all times to any floors and interior spaces that require key card access.
  • Those with key card access are not permitted to allow others into these secured spaces (tail-gating) for any reason and will lose after-hours access to BWW if they are found breaking this policy.
  • BWW recently sustained extensive damage in January due to a breach of this policy. Your adherence to this policy will contribute to our community safety and security.