Christopher J Gade

Christopher J Gade
PhD - Lecturer
3412 Tolman Hall
PhD from UC Berkeley in 2008
  • whatshotResearch Description
  • placeSelected Publications

    Gharib, A., Gade, C., & Roberts, S. (2004). Control of variation by reward probability. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes, 4, 271-281.

  • filter_dramaTeaching

    Dr Gade has been a lecturer at Berkeley since the Spring of 2011.  His courses that he teaches at Berkeley include:

    General Psychology

    Research Methods and Statistics

    Social Psychology

    Stress and Coping

    Psychology of Personality


    Dr Gade has also taught several additional courses at different schools in the Bay Area:

    Research Methods

    Lifespan Development

    Cognitive Psychology

    Sensation and Perception

    Psychology of Learning

    Psychology of Gender