Anne Collins

whatshotResearch Description
We study the multiple neuro-cognitive processes that contribute to learning, decision-making and executive functions.
We use quantitative modeling at different levels of description (eg. reinforcement learning, Bayesian inference, and neural network modeling) to study the computations performed by cognitive or neural systems.
To inform the quantitative theories developped, we perform behavioral, as well as EEG, imaging or developmental experiments in healthy or patient adult populations.
placeSelected Publications
Surprise! dopamine signals mix action, value and error (2015). Anne G. E. Collins, Michael J. Frank. Nature Neuroscience
8-Month-Old Infants Spontaneously Learn and Generalize Hierarchical Rules (2015). Denise M. Werchan, Anne G. E. Collins, Michael J. Frank, and Dima Amso. Psychological Science
Working memory contributions to reinforcement learning impairments in Schizophrenia (2014). Anne GE Collins, Jaime Brown, James Gold, James Waltz, Michael J Frank. Journal of Neuroscience
A Reinforcement Learning Mechanism Responsible for the Valuation of Free Choice (2014). Cockburn, J, Collins, AGE, and Frank, MJ. Neuron
Human EEG uncovers latent generalizable rule structure during learning (2014). Collins, AGE, Cavanagh, JF, and Frank, MJ. Journal of Neuroscience
Opponent Actor Learning (OpAL): Modeling interactive effect of striatal dopamine on reinforcement learning and choice incentive (2014). Collins, AGE and Frank, MJ. Psychological Review
Foundations of human reasoning in the prefrontal cortex (2014). Donoso, M, Collins, AGE, Koechlin,E. Science
Cognitive control over learning: Creating, clustering and Generalizing task-set structure (2013). Collins, AGE and Frank, MJ. Psychological Review
How much of reinforcement learning is working memory, not reinforcement learning? A behavioral, computational and neurogenetic analysis (2012). Collins, AGE and Frank, MJ. European Journal of Neuroscience
Reasoning, Learning, and Creativity: Frontal Lobe Function and Human Decision-Making (2012). Collins A, Koechlin E. PLoS Biology
Negative Symptoms and the Failure to Represent the Expected Reward Value of Actions: Behavioral and Computational Modeling Evidence (2012). Gold, JM; Waltz, JA; Matveeva, TM; Kasanova, Z; Strauss, G; Herbener, E; Collins, AGE; Frank, MJ. Arch Gen Psychiatry
A computational theory of prefrontal executive control (2009). Collins, A. and Koechlin, E. Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience