Amitai Shenhav

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Complete list of publications: publications:
Shenhav, A. (in press). The affective gradient hypothesis: An affect-centered account of motivated behavior. Trends in Cognitive Sciences.
Leng, X., Frömer, R., Summe, T., & Shenhav, A. (in press). Mutual inclusivity improves decision-making by smoothing out choice's competitive edge. Nature Human Behaviour.
Ritz, H. & Shenhav, A. (2024). Orthogonal neural encoding of targets and distractors supports multivariate cognitive control. Nature Human Behaviour 8: 945–961.
Frömer, R., & Shenhav, A. (2022). Filling the gaps: Cognitive control as a critical lens for understanding mechanisms of value-based decision-making. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 134, 104483.
Shenhav, A., Prater Fahey, M., & Grahek, I. (2021). Decomposing the motivation to exert mental effort. Current Directions in Psychological Science 30(4): 307-314.
*Frömer, R, *Lin, H., Dean Wolf, C.K., Inzlicht, M. & Shenhav, A. (2021). Expectations of reward and efficacy guide cognitive control allocation. Nature Communications, 12: 1030.
Leng, X., Yee, D., Ritz, H., & Shenhav, A. (2021). Dissociable influences of reward and punishment on adaptive cognitive control. PLOS Computational Biology.
Inzlicht, M., Shenhav, A., & Olivola, C.Y. (2018). The effort paradox: Effort is both costly and valued. Trends in Cognitive Sciences 22(4): 337-349.
Frömer, R., Dean Wolf, C.K., & Shenhav, A. (2019). Goal congruency dominates reward value in accounting for behavioral and neural correlates of value-based decision-making. Nature Communications, 10(1): 4926.
Shenhav, A., Dean Wolf, C.K., & Karmarkar, U.R. (2018). The evil of banality: When choosing between the mundane feels like choosing between the worst. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 147(12): 1892-1904.
Shenhav, A., Musslick, S., Lieder, F., Kool, W., Griffiths, T.L., Cohen, J.D., & Botvinick, M.M. (2017). Toward a rational and mechanistic account of mental effort. Annual Reviews of Neuroscience 40: 99-124.