Degree Requirements: Teaching

Two-semester teaching requirement. Each student is required to serve as a 50% Teaching Assistant (also known as a Graduate Student Instructor/GSI) for two semesters. 


Applying for Teaching Assistant (TA) positions. Students should attend to notices sent periodically via email by the Graduate Student Services Advisor regarding TA application procedures and deadlines. It is each student’s responsibility to submit timely applications and to meet the TA requirement. Students may be assigned to Psychology 101 Research and Data Analysis regardless of the course preferences they list on their application. For any given term, Psych grads may apply to as many positions as they would like, however a minimum of at least three positions must be selected when submitting an application.  


TA selection procedure. Funding guarantees are based on receipt of timely TA applications; late applications are not guaranteed priority placement even if funding is needed. However, the department tries to offer appointments to all students as needed in their first five years of the program.


TA contract. If a student secures alternative funding prior to committing to a TAship, they must notify the Graduate Student Services Advisor immediately. Once a student accepts the Academic Student Employee offer, it is expected that they will fulfill this contractual obligation.