
The coursework for the Postbaccalaureate Psychology program is similar to that required of UC Berkeley psychology majors. This curriculum is designed to meet Psychology graduate admission prerequisite requirements. Students may be able to place out of General Psychology and up to one other course depending on prior coursework.
Students are required to complete a minimum of 40 semester units and must complete the requirements below:
1. General Classes in Psychology
a. General Psychology 1
b. Research and Data Analysis in Psychology 10 / 101
2. Core Coursework
a. Core / Elective Classes in any of the Psychology Department’s 6 subfields (18 units, minimum)
3. Supervised research training
a. Research Lab 198 or 298*
b. Capstone Experience (to be taken in the student’s last semester)
4. Professional Development and Graduate School Preparation*
a. Psychology 198
5. Colloquium*
a. Psychology 129, 139, 149, 159, or 169
* to be taken during each enrolled semester
The program is designed to provide students with a breadth of knowledge across our six sub-fields. Students will be expected to attend colloquia in their area of specialization. An individualized program of study is developed in consultation with the Program Director.