Room Reservations

Room Reservation and Use Policy

The Department of Psychology has a limited number of rooms available on the 3rd floor for department business, including lab meetings, periodic seminars, presentations, and other meetings. Also, the Psychology Department is liable, by contract, for limiting the size of the population in Berkeley Way West. Therefore, the rooms are only available to members of the Psychology Department and restricted by the posted room capacity. Note that any academic business conducted in the rooms must be sanctioned as legitimate by the department and the campus. If you have any questions, please contact  The best way to reserve a room is by filling out the online form below.


The Department of Psychology shares use of 1st floor classrooms with the Graduate School of Education and School of Public Health. These classrooms can only be used for graduate classes and only for these three academic units. Reservations cannot be made for departments that don't occupy space in BWW. No undergraduate courses, even small seminars, can be taught in these first floor classrooms. The best way to reserve a room is by filling out the online form below.


The Department of Psychology also shares use of two 75-seat colloquium rooms on the 1st floor with the Graduate School of Education and School of Public Health. These rooms can be reserved for colloquia, job talks, large meetings, or other speaker series events. Again, no undergraduate courses can be scheduled in these rooms. Unfortunately, we cannot make reservations for any undergraduate student-related events in Berkeley Way West.  The best way to reserve a room is by filling out the online form below.


Room Reservation Procedures

Requests must be made at least 4 days in advance, and within business hours. Room reservations are only available for events sponsored by the Psychology Department and requests are fulfilled in the order received. To make a room reservation, please fill out the room reservation request form below:


On this form you will be asked to indicate whether the reservation is for a graduate course related event, a non-course related item (e.g., lab meeting), or an undergraduate course-related or other event. Department staff will then proceed to reserve the appropriate room and notify you of the reservation details via email. 


Room Use Policy

Activities held in Psychology Department 3rd floor rooms shall not adversely impact the physical aspects of the rooms or the research, study, or other academic pursuits in areas adjacent to the rooms. As the sponsor of the event, you have responsibility to maintain the good order of the room and will be held liable for any damage incurred during your event. If extra custodial services are required after your event, you will be charged a fee for the clean-up. Do not remove furniture from meeting rooms. If the room does not have sufficient seating for your event, do not add furniture. Instead, consider a larger space.


Available 3rd Floor Rooms:

3101 BWW, seats 26. This room is locked at all times. Access may be obtained by the receptionist.


3310, 3414, 3438, seats 12. These rooms will remain unlocked. You may use these rooms without a reservation, but in the event you are occupying the room when a reserved meeting need to take place, you will be expected to vacate the room immediately.


3416, seats 4. This room will remain unlocked. You may use this room without a reservation, but in the event that you are occupying the room when a reserved meeting need to take place, you will be expected to vacate the room immediately.


Available 1st Floor Rooms:

Because these rooms are shared with our partners in the building (Education, Public Health), we cannot guarantee particular rooms for use. When you complete the online form, you are asked to indicate the number of people for your graduate course or event. Department staff will then identify a room that meets your needs.


The two 75-seat colloquium rooms are: 1102 and 1104.


Each can seat 75 people. Should you expect a crowd larger than 75, the folding door separating the two rooms can be opened thus creating a space for 150.