Nancy Liu

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placeSelected Publications
*Haft, S.L., *O'Grady, S.M., Shaller, E.A.L., & Liu, N.H. (2022). Cultural adaptations of dialectical behavior therapy: A systematic review. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology.
*Pearlstein, J.G., Lund, E., Khazem, L.R., Schmidt, A.T., & Liu, N.H. (2021). Guidelines to address barriers in clinical training for trainees with sensory disabilities. Training and Education in Professional Psychology.
Liu, N.H., & Chowdhary, N. (2020). Neuropsychiatric disorders in refugee children and adolescents. In S.J. Song & P. Ventevogel (Eds.). Child, adolescent, and family refugee mental health. Springer: New York.
Aguilera, A., Bruehlman-
Senecal, E., Liu, N.H., & Brav in, J.I. (2018). Implementing group cognitive-behavioral th erapy for depression among Lat inos in a primary care clinic. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice, 25, 1 35-144. Liu, N.H., Daumit, G.L., Dua, T., Aquila, R., Charlson, F., Cuijpers, P.,…Saxena, S. (2017). Excess mortality in persons with severe mental disorders: A multilevel intervention framework and priorities for clinical practice, policy and research agendas. World Psychiatry, 16, 30-40.
Aguilera, A., Miranda, J., Aguilar-Graxiola, S., Organista, K.C., Gonzalez, G., McQuaid, J…Munoz, R.F. (2015). Depression prevention and treatment interventions: How clinical research training programs can contribute to evidence-based practice. In G. Bernal et al.’s Research on Culturally-Informed Evidence-Based Psychological Practices. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
Liu, N.H., Contreras, O., Muñoz, R.F., & Leykin, Y. (2014). Assessing suicide attempts and depression among Chinese speakers over the internet. Crisis.doi: 10.1027/0227-5910/a000261
Liu, N.H., & Satterfield, J. (2014). Substance abuse in older populations. In P.A. Areán Advances in the treatment of late life depression, anxiety and substance abuse: Behavioral interventions. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
Liu, N.H., Choi, K.H., Reddy, F., & Spaulding, W.D. (2010). Heterogeneity and longitudinal recovery of functioning during inpatient psychiatric rehabilitation for treatment-refractory severe mental illness. American Journal of Psychiatric Rehabilitation, 14, 55-75.
Mazzoni, A., Althabe, F., Liu, N.H., Bonotti, A.M., Gibbons, L., Sanchez, & A., Belizán, J. (2010). Women’s preferences for mode of delivery. British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. doi:10.1111/j.1471-0528.2010.02793.x.
- PSYCH 236: Intervention: Specialty Clinic
- PSYCH 237H: Introduction to Clinical Methods
- PSYCH 237E: Professional Development in Clinical Science
- PSYCH 237S: Clinical Supervision
- PSYCH 138: Global Mental Health
- PSYCH 170: Clinical and Counseling Professions: Research & Practice
- PSYCH 173: Lens on Mental Health: Diversity & Intersectional Approaches